Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What does LTC mean to you?

Long term care in my opinion, is a necessary evil. Long term care has become an extremely important and costly industry in America. I think our ever-changing culture has created the system of long term care that we have today. Different countries have different traditions or beliefs pertaining long term care. This can be seen throughout many families in America.

First, let me say that there certainly are different types of long term care. Assisted living facilities exist for those who are still able to be somewhat independent. They may need help remembering to take medicine and they may some long term physical ailments such as diabetes or dementia or difficulty walking, but they are able to do most activities of daily living. These facilities are a good resource for people who wish to remain independent to a degree.

Caring for a loved one certainly is not an easy task. Whether you are caring for an infant, child, or elder time, love and both physical and emotional strength are necessities. In our society of "busyness" people are losing sight of the importance of caring for loved ones within the family. Some are too concerned about the activities they are involved in, work, children, grandchildren, to care for an elder. Others simply don't think they are strong enough. These certainly are valid reasons for someone to receive care in a long term care facility.

Granted, this is my opinion; you may think the best place for an elder is a long term care facility. I have my reasons for this rationale though. My mother worked for many years in a number of different nursing facilities. I have heard the stories she would tell about not having enough staff, people stealing medicine, and being worked to the bone. She also told me that she does not want to ever be "put in a facility."

My father was cared for at home, but he did have respite care for a couple of short periods of time. Patients or residents of nursing home facilities can be much more active at home versus lying in bed or wheeling through the hallways.

My grandmother-in -law is currently being cared for at home. She is in her mid eighties. She is quite well for her age. Despite having one leg partially amputated due to diabetes, she can walk with a prosthesis. She keeps herself busy during the day by watching game shows and playing solitaire to keep her mind going. Fortunately her daughter works nearby and she comes home during her lunch hour to check in on her during the day.

Long term care of course does not only mean "end of life care." There are people who are in their fifties even that need care due to life experiences that have taken a toll on their body and now they require daily care.

Long term care can occur in a facility or home. Nursing staff and family members can both care for those in need. Sadly, numerous people are in need of care due to long term illness or the aging process. One thing is certain, long term care facilities need to be properly staffed in order to provide the best possible care that every person deserves.

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